So today, I was browsing the web for the latest bright and fast LEDs in the market, for use in m experiments, and my dear friend chided me... " Looking at(and longing for) diamond jewellery again?? "
That is when the idea struck me... Why not LED jewellery???
They consume so little power that they can go all night on the tiniest of batteries. Imagine necklaces, pendants and earrings comprised of strings of LED backlit crystals... the jewels would gleam right, even in unflattering room lighting... No more feeling sorry that your jewels don't glimmer as well after you wear them as they do the the trick lighting of the jewelry stores...
The batteries can be recharged by placing the jewels back into the case, and plugging the case to mains. And the circuit is closed when the necklace is clasped on, and the glimmer of your jewels dazzles everyone!!!
So imagines an electrical engineer who happens to be a girl... :)