Monday, November 3, 2008

Manianic Goof Up

This post is in apology to a certain individual, who is unlikely to read the blog, but it's here, anyway...

This is a Classic Manianism Goof up...

Once upon a time, we were new to Troy, still navigating around RPI with the Map, calling up prospective landlords who spoke in inscrutable accents, and din't start telephonic conversations with hello.

After a long search, we zeroed in on a nice apartment, which was wonderful in all ways but one.. it was a 3 bedroom, while we were just 2 of us. By that time, everyone else had found homes and roomies... So, our all hopes were on latecomers.

Just then, a mail came.... "I am an MBA student, looking for accomodation. Arriving soon."

Too bad that I cant tell you the name, but the name was quite ambiguous, though you might all disagree.
I applied the name to sentences in hindi, and figured out the usage was always "meri ......" and not "mera ....."

Even I realized that this test wasn't foolproof, given my questionable hindi proficiency.

But, we did need a roomie...

So I wrote back :
" Me and my friend here, are looking for a female roomie. I am sorry for not able to understand your gender from your name. Do reply if u are interested(and a female)."

And.... it turned out my guess, my hindi and my luck were all rotten...

For HE replied:

"I apologize for being a male."

And no prizes for guessing, I am too embarassed to face him, so I run away whenever I see him anywhere in Campus. He is an MBA student, so I have about 1.5 years of running and hiding to do...

Good luck to me, and good running shoes too...

1 comment:

sherry.luv45 said...

Continue writing .... you have awesome sense and sensiblity with a tinch of humor in it.