Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Physics of deja vu !

Lets begin from the beginning.

From Einstein's special relativity, we know that velocity of light is same in all inertial reference frames. An inertial frame is anything that moves at a constant speed, a car, a space ship in orbit etc. To find position, speed etc. of a system moving w.r.t. to another system, we use transformations, which are basically math equations. If a space ship moves at a definite velocity w.r.t. earth, a meter stick in the ship will look shorter than a meter when measured from earth. Time also changes, to keep the velocity of light constant. One second in the spaceship will appear to be greater than one second on earth, when measured from the earth. This concept is called time dilation.

Now, if a pin takes 1 sec to fall from your hand in a SPACE SHIP, it takes less than that on a video taken from earth. So, earthlings can predict where the pin will fall, before it does... Why? because time moves at different paces in different frames…

These different frames in metaphysics could be referred to as "dimensions". So, what has already happened on earth will happen 2 yrs later in another dimension. Closer to light velocity, the velocity of the frame, greater will be the difference in time. The same way some dimension can be 2 yrs earlier than us.

This concept can allow one to conclude that what will occur on earth tomorrow has already occurred in another dimension. It is also the basis of the fantasical time travel.

We are trapped in this dimension, so even though there is this possibility of knowing what will happen, we are no better off.

But this discovery, that in another dimension we have lived out our lives, and we can’t walk out to that dimension to change it, can lead to the conclusion, that everything about our life is "predetermined". So, all the conscious choice, "I make my own choices" goes poof, and in a scary way.

Whatever is happening, there is no way to change it, if you have to be at a certain place at a certain time, that’s where you will be, irrespective of whether you want it consciously..

I don’t want to believe that we are picked and placed, and that we have no free will... But the math points that way, and I have not been able to find faults with that logic yet, though I am trying hard, and that’s the point of writing this blog.

What does this imply?

You are not even thinking today where exactly you will celebrate your 63rd bday...But in some dimension, you might have already blown out 63 candles... and had a mast party...

At some instant, what happens to you, the dialogues you say, the setting of the room, reaction of people etc.; basically a short trivial scene, do they sometimes ring a bell? That you have played it in your mind before…That kind of a thing??

Doesn’t this give you a slight apprehension that things might be predetermined after all??

If not, then what does this cute little intuition mean to u??

Is it just random play of nature, or some inherent cerebral activity?

If it is some inherent mental process, what triggers it?

Because most of these scenes are totally trivial...you would never plan them or worry about them with your conscious mind.

Why should nature be so random in some aspects and so precise in others is what puzzles me, and makes me delve into whatever theories seem to explain something.

Keep wondering, and if you have any ideas, do let me know… would love to discuss it and clear my head.

DISCLAIMER: Kindly don’t scold me for obtuse thinking, I am not the founder of this theory, though it is an assimilation from various sources, including my cerebrum. I would be grateful for any lapses in the theory, which makes me revert to the “Free Will” system, that I would prefer to believe.

CREDITS: Anirudh Maitra, this blog post is mostly lifted from a conversation I had with him on this. He asked the questions, I developed my philo to answer them.

Postscript: I am not the only one thinking of physics of deja vu, ppl have written books on it.... sure gives my independent idea atleast an iota of credibility...


1 comment:

rangr said...

I hope I am clear, The traveller sees things at a faster rate? Does she see things moving fast? Whatever it is.. I thought their frame of reference was different from ours. So the traveler's time going fast means something only for him... We can compare clocks but we can't say they are looking into our future. Y? Cos they will be in the past cone of light i.e. light takes some time to travel. Future cone is possible only when we exceed speed of light, which is impossible!!